Latest blog posts from Local Escorts

Information about booking an escort for the first time, what to look for and a little bit of gossip thrown into the mix, read on...

How To Select An Escort: 5 Tips To Picking The Right Girl
Posted 4 years ago by Local Escorts

Back in the day, the easiest way to find an evening escort was by word of mouth. If your friends didn’t know anyone in the...

A Night on The Town: 5 Unique Places To Take Your Escort in London
Posted 4 years ago by Local Escorts

A Night on The Town: 5 Unique Places To Take Your Escort in London

Looking for the perfect spot to begin your date? Check out...

7 Sexy Date Night Ideas to Spice up Your Evening
Posted 4 years ago by Local Escorts

7 Sexy Date Night Ideas to Spice up Your Evening

Use these sexy date night ideas to take your next night out (or in!) to...

How to Be a Gentleman: 10 Escort Etiquette Tips
Posted 4 years ago by Local Escorts

10 Etiquette Tips for Hiring Escort Services

Are you planning on hiring escort services? Here are a few etiquette tips that you should be using.

Dedicated to desire
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

In today’s blogs I am mulling over the concept of a dictionary that is dedicated to desire. Having exhausted the lexicon of words beginning with...

Find what you're searching for...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

There are those who are searching for the meaning of life and spending countless minutes, hours and days pondering over existence and whether or not...

Dreams do come true...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

Just how much would you pay to kiss a beautiful woman? Would you pay a premium if the woman in question happened to be a...

Gaze at your goddess
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would want to store compromising pictures on someone else’s server. I have little sympathy for...

Release those endorphins...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

There is a report out today which basically says that it doesn’t matter what diet you follow you will achieve broadly similar results. Is this...

Sensual when soaked to the skin...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

The ice bucket water challenge that is currently all the rage seems something of a throwback to me. In the eighties there was a craze...

No need to envy the other guy...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

Have you ever been going out with a girl who is open minded enough to let you spend time with other women? Better still have...

You know when you are on to a good thing...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

When you are on to a good thing you tend to stick with it, that’s my experience. Whether it’s a particular brand of car, a...

Enjoy the here and now...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

Too many people allow themselves to get bogged down in the everyday, the routine, the basic mundane banalities of existence. We worry about the football...

She looked amazing in a dress slashed to the thigh...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

It’s always a dilemma. Shall I wear the strapless little black dress that always gets commented on? How about the skin tight shiny silver number...

No need to kiss and tell
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

We live in a male dominated society but there is one realm in which women have long since held the reins of power: the bedroom....

Living the fantasy
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

Have you ever stopped to wonder why men find women in certain costumes sexy? The obvious one is a woman in stockings and suspenders and...

Good looking, hot and full of fun? All the better...
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

I do like a girl with a twinkle in her eye. You know the type, feisty, fun, flirtatious and full of life. That’s the kind...

Happy Days
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

I confided in a girlfriend that I write a regular blog on an escort site and in return she confided in me that she has...

Go-getting girls!
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

What is meant by ‘soul mate’? When someone says I have met my soul mate what exactly are they on about? An easy answer is...

An endless array of beautiful women
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

There is a theory in quantum physics known as the multiverse theory. It posits the idea that there are an infinite number of universes and...

What we need is a sensuality index
Posted 5 years ago by Local Escorts

When it comes to the force of the wind or the magnitude of an earthquake there are scales to identify the severity or ferocity of...

Real girls, real good times
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I was skimming through the Sunday papers yesterday when I came across what looked like an interesting fashion supplement in one of the more upmarket...

Love may be blind but lust isn't!
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

They say that love is blind but that is a crock if you ask me. I can understand being with someone for a period of...

A sizzling liaison with a sensual sweetheart
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

It really gets under my skin when I meet a woman in a bar and I try to get to know them only to be...

Strike the jackpot with a local girl
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

What would you do if you won over a hundred million on the lottery? I’ve been reading about some winners today and I have to...

The most wonderful time of the year
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year but I have to say that it’s not for me. The festive season is...

Variety is the Spice of Life!
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I can understand the appeal of the ‘girl next door’ type. There is the idea that she is an ordinary young woman, innocent and pretty,...

No need to spend an evening alone
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

Some people are just not cut out to be alone. I suppose that explains why some women and some men always have a new partner...

Welcome to a universe of gorgeous girls!
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

Yesterday I watched a video recording of David Icke speaking at the Oxford Union. I expected his talk to be utter nonsense but was actually...

Enjoy all that life has to offer
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

What would you count amongst the good things in life? A holiday featuring a sun kissed beach? A meal at one of London’s finest restaurants?...

Why resist temptation?
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

After the hot liaison in the arched tunnels of a derelict viaduct I wasn’t sure what Millie could come up with to top the experience....

Chill, relax, have the best of times
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I’ve never been good at picking up girls. For one thing I am not one of those guys with an endless supply of chat up...

Delicious temptation
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I was impressed with the number of highly attractive women. It was my first time and I didn’t know what to expect though I feared...

An opportunity to savour
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

We were moving in different directions and so as I passed her I took the opportunity to check her out. Even with a bathing cap...

Here to serve
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

Now call me old fashioned if you like but when it comes to my top ten sex toys I do not include a Breville toaster...

Burning with desire
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

We’d all love to know how to make our girl red hot in the bedroom. Without alcohol being involved that is. Sex at the beginning...

Such a sexy sweetheart
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

There is a double page spread in a popular tabloid newspaper today featuring a whole host of A list celebrities in a clinch, with the...

Half naked, all woman
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

In the fickle world of fashion any style may have a very short shelf life but I hope that the latest trend being promoted by...

The thrill of the chase
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

Now let’s be honest gentleman, if you were dating Kelly Brook would you find the relationship ‘boring’? Apparently that was the reason behind the break-up...

Ultimate satisfaction
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

It isn’t hard to explain the fascination with courtesans. Beautiful women who enjoy the company of men and women and know how to make someone...

Tell her she is beautiful
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

It stands to reason that a woman who has spent two hours getting ready for a date will want to be told that she looks...

Take your time, enjoy the experience
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I once attended a speed dating session. Embarrassing maybe but true. Anyway, I did the usual, knocking five years of my age, buying new clothes...

Time to feel at ease
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

Is there such a thing as a sure thing when it comes to a chat up line? I struggle with a cheesy one liner myself...

Exotic, erotic, sensual and stunning
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

What makes us attracted to one person and not another? When I gaze in wonder at the many stunning escorts in the escort gallery on...

Wild girls enjoy wild times
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

Lena looked like a sex goddess. The part time visiting escort was in her element, strutting about in a tiny vest top and a mini...

Successful in Seduction
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I was a fast learner and I couldn’t wait to put my new found knowledge to the test. Monique had stressed certain points, from where...

A French connection
Posted 6 years ago by Local Escorts

I was brought up by my grandparents in a sleepy village and didn’t have much experience when it came to the ways of the world....

The pursuit of pleasure
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

It was inevitable that Dave would make a pass at me. He had spent over an hour taking photographs of me in all sorts of...

The ultimate in pleasure
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

The girls were called Sandy and Crystal and they weren’t twins. In fact they weren’t even the same nationality. Sandy was an American girl studying...

A passion for a good time
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

Once I knew the truth about James his true character emerged. Underneath the polite and wholesome exterior he was a wild animal on the prowl...

A sexually confident woman with an appetite for fun
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

It was the best time I had ever had with a man, or should I say two men as my boyfriend had decided to spice...

A quality experience
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

Choosing which Escort Agency was a big decision though I soon came across one that had an excellent website and what is more, an affiliation...

Girls who turn heads
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

We arranged to meet in the lobby of an upmarket hotel in the city. I had really splashed out on the room, booking a luxury...

Live life to the full
Posted 7 years ago by Local Escorts

With over fifty escorts working with this agency we believe that we can more than meet any expectations that our clients may have. The escorts...

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